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Tacppd CLI - command-line interface

command-line interface available throught telnet. You can configure your server throught CLI, and changes will be immediately available. The next issue - "write" command will crypt cleartext passwords and write current configuration to configuration file "etc/tacpp.conf". When you connect to server via telnet ("telnet ip.addr port" - ip.add - addr of host where tacppd work, port - portnumber in tacpp.conf) after user access verification (default user=admin password=admin_password) you see string: your_hostname#" it means, that you now in CLI. try write "?" and press <ENTER> for help No edit keys available in this version, be carefull! I have tested telnet special codes only for Linux telnet, from Windows's HyperTerm you can have problems. Currently you can see and change configuration and check/drop users on your access servers

command map: tacpp(hostname)# ? config ---                                 debug                                 manager                                 listener                                 access                                 pool                                 nas                                 database                                 bundle                                 billing                                 peer                                 show                                 exit            ! exit from configuration sectio write                                           ! write current configuration show ----                    ! show                                 users           ! show usertable                                 nas             ! show nas information clear ---                    ! clear information                                 user            ! drop user 

                               port            ! drop nas port database --        ! database configuration section                                 create  ! create database tables                                 add             ! add entry to database                                 del             ! delete entry from database                                 show            ! show data                                 modify  ! modify entry in database                                 exit            ! exit form database section debug  ---  ! debug mode exit

config - change server configuration you should do "write" command to store your working configuration to startup configuration file (etc/tacpp.conf) (use commands from configuration file documentation upper)

show - show several information currently you can see only currently working users table and network devices under control

clear - clear anything currently you can drop users/ports on network devices

database - database control mode

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