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Additional User Data

additional user data group identifier; authentication source identifier (for use other than database source); enable password (this is for network device)

authentication sources: only supported one - "db"

next possibly supported authensource (in future): "ccd" or "ccf" - this is for CryptoCard

CryptoCard for authentication (thanks to Bradley Filmer and Alec Peterson) !NOTE! CryptoCard support will be implemented in future versions

tacppd use file with name "etc/CRYPTOCard" or database table with name "CRYPTOCardTokens"

*** CryptoCard file ***

cryptocard file looks like

# This is the CRYPTOCard authentication definition database file.


# Comments start with a # sign. # Under the display column:

#       0 implies hexadecimal with no phone display

#       1 implies hexadecimal with phone display

#       2 implies decimal with no phone display

#       3 implies decimal with phone display


#User    Key(Encrypted)               Display Challenge


TokUse  a8b5c09e4ea6b503a65c7716383b67ff71406e5c7ec9a7b5    3  15952106

bbundy  d0b669a9ea7892f4f8a40dedffd12bf34340aee363c8ef1c    2 ajblog  92b19a0cad6cc908e3e54e34efcf9802a54e15a2017d5066    2 gbusha  67d5af15d362b92ac30c87f3298aee2d5ecef59beb00723c    2 edst    6d78607d069a2fd3d8767087ba7bc5398be336c9860e038f    2 

*** CryptoCard database ***

in common example standard cryptocard table looks like


        UserID char(64) NOT NULL,

        DisplayID char(8),

        SerialNumber char(12),

        InitPIN char(8),

        EncryptedKey char(64),

        NextChallenge char(8),

        ProgDate char(16),

        GroupID char(20),

        Options char(24),

        AuthenCount int(11),

        PRIMARY KEY (UserID)


UserID DisplayID SerialNumber InitPIN  EncryptedKey         NextChallenge  ProgDate    GroupID   Options  AuthenCount roman  roman     498024979      4751   cad3040197b565b4f964bd0d70d64ae8f90299b89 e67c44b   36621554     01/15/2002 Admin-Root 110354101     0
