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Multicast routing configuration

If you have use tacppds installed in several servers situated in several networks and want join tacppds to bundle, you have to setup multicast routing. There are a lot of documentation on about multicast routing configuration. We are see only several simple examples. For example we have two Ethernet segments which interconnected by Catalyst switch in different vlans, interconnected by Cisco router.

Router configuration:

! enable multicast routing

ip multicast-routing

! first subinterface configuration

interface FastEthernet0/0.2

 description First TACPPD VLAN

 encapsulation dot1Q 2

 ip pim sparse-mode

 ip cgmp

! second subinterface configuration

interface FastEthernet0/0.3

 description Second TACPPD VLAN

 encapsulation dot1Q 3

 ip pim sparse-mode

 ip cgmp

ip pim rp-address your.router.ip.address

In this example we are using PIM sparse-mode, and RP of our router. Also we set CGMP enabled on subinterfaces, but instead you can use IGMP Snooping feature on the Catalysts, but i prefer CGMP, i think, that it looks like better.

Catalyst switch configuration:

! disable igmp snooping feature (cgmp enabled by default)

no ip igmp snooping

! trunk ethernet interface

interface FastEthernet 0/1

 description Router trunk connect

 switchport mode trunk

! first ethernet interface

interface FastEthernet0/5

 description First TACPPD server host

 switchport access vlan 2

! second ethernet interface

interface FastEthernet0/6

 description Second TACPPD server host

 switchport access vlan 3

In this example we disable IGMP snooping feature and set Catalyst interfaces.

Remember, that you have to use multicast TTL values more than 1 if you will use multicast routing, every hop require add 1 to TTL. For our example set TTL to 2.

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