This is the open source AAA server which supports tacacs+ tcp single-connection mode. This is AAA server which uses snmp polling for testing of dial-up user presence (this avoids problems with lost stop accounting packets on old networks or in periods of network instability).

The real-time configuration via telnet interface used when working with tacppd is very familiar to those who work with Cisco(R) devices and thus does not require network managers to have any special knowledge of Unix systems.

Tacppd uses the one-stop shop model, after you start tacppd you have: tacacs+ server, NetFlow collector, device snmp poller, all with real-time control via telnet interface. In coming versions we plan add an integrated http server with possible control of users and devices, NetFlow information analyzer, SNMP traps collector and analyzer.

This is looks like very big, but as you can see - tacppd code is very simple and short, this is not a monster. Using C++ with OOP model and long cycle of reorganization and redesigns in start of this project (before release first development version we were rewriting some parts 3-4 times) has made this project possible.

Tacppd processes and data flows


  • Pluggable database support (several database types)
  • More security (control for incoming ip access control, personal keys
  • NAS monitoring by SNMP (pluggable interface)
  • Telnet access for on-the-fly reconfigure
  • NetFlow information collector inbuilt + simple aggregator
  • Accounting and NetFlow logging to database
  • .... and more ....

Is to create an easy-to-use but powerful AAA server for ISPs and VoIP providers. Server with full SQL database integration, web-enabled controls, extended abilities in control user sessions with the ability to become embedded software. During this project we have been working to create a bundle of tools suitable for creating easy embedded applications.
