Please, contact your database administrator for database name and database user login/password information.
Edit "etc/tacpp.conf" file for database, REMEMBER database key, if you have lost it, no way to restore user passwords! The crypto algorythm uses 2 keys - static - this is this key, and variable key - the user login. If you change username, than you will lost your password! Never use UPDATE request for change username! Please, use tacppd CLI for changes in database tables. For change username, delete this user and add new. If you will use key "none", than no encryption will be done. Use it if you plan to use external database management system, or if this system does not supports tacppd-style encryption.
Before use, you should create database tables. You MUST use tacppd internal database manipulation manager for it (the database tables format can be changed during development and it should create mostly modern table views). If you already have database tables for tacppd, review ReleaseNotes, CHANGES and this README file for changes. After tacppd starts, you should use CLI (command line interface): in "database" mode you should use command "create" for tables creation (see later for CLI description).
Indexes will be created automatic. See error logs in case of errors.
Now you can add users into database. Tacppd has simple internal user manipulatio n resource (see later for CLI documentation). If you will use own database manipul ation software, remember, that you should encrypt passwords before insert. For example, you can use contributed Perl script in /contrib dir for crypt/decrypt passwords.
for PostgreSQL ( contact database administrator to create special user with grants to create, update, insert and select tables and indexes. The next st ep - from database admin user run psql like this: psql -U username database_name and type password on request try to select/create tables for check your rights
for Oracle ( change to oracle user (typically by command "su - oracle") and run: sqlplus username/ and test it. We recommend to contact your DB administrator before.
BE CAREFULL!!! The Database table format now in developing and can be changed from build to build with notifications only in CHANGES file!!!
I plan to freeze database formats after first BETA version, but now i highly recommend to use CLI interface for database data management!
From 0.0.5 development i add database version number to name of table, but the version will be frozen only after release.