1. check tacppd/tacppd_start.sh file for right path to tacppd home (read throught it for several options)
2. edit tacppd/etc/tacpp.conf file (copy it from tacpp.conf.orig) read carefully throught it and throught etc/README file the default admin user have username: admin and password: admin_password please, change database ip and username/password NOTE: remember database crypto key!!! You will have lost your client passwords if you have lost database key! Otherwise, use "none" key for unencrypted password fields.
3. check availability of database be sure, that your user created in database and firewalls configuration correct
4. start tacppd_start.sh script
5. try to connect to control system by telnet localhost 2222 (or any port you defined in configfile for telnet) you should see username request type admin and type admin_password as password (this is default setting in tacpp.conf.orig) Feel free to change default settings.
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