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tacppd.kdevelop Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
tacpp::AAABasic Authentication/Authorization/Accounting for TACACS+ and RADIUS
tacpp::Acl_dataAccess list data
tacpp::Acl_entryOne entry in access list 1
tacpp::Addrpool_dataThis is one addrpool
tacpp::Addrpool_entryThis is one entry in addrpool
tacpp::AModifyEnd-user interface for AV pairs modifyers
tacpp::AModify_EXTExternal program modifyer
tacpp::AModify_INTInternal modifyers
tacpp::AModify_SQLExternal sql modifyer
tacpp::AModifyersAbstraction layer for several modifyer types
tacpp::attribute_headerAttribute header
tacpp::Billing_dataBilling objects
tacpp::BundleProcessorBundle connect processor
tacpp::CliCLI - simple class for creating Command Line Interface from XML description
tacpp::cmd_avpPer-command authorization
tacpp::CommandClass Command a primitive of command that represent's single line command for example: show line status
tacpp::ConnectObject for send data to created thread
tacpp::Core_dataUniversal data
tacpp::CoreAccessWorking with acl - access lists manager
tacpp::CoreBillingResources/billing handle
tacpp::CoreBundleBundle core handler (there are only one bundle entry possible)
tacpp::CoreDataData handler
tacpp::CoreDbDatabase manager, use md5 for crypt/encrypt passwords field
tacpp::CoreDebugDebug log
tacpp::CoreDeviceNetwork devices manager
tacpp::CoreListenerTCP/UDP listener manager
tacpp::CoreManagerWork with administrator users list
tacpp::CorePeerCore Peer object
tacpp::CorePoolAddreses pool manager
tacpp::DaemonDaemonization system
tacpp::db_bilresStore billing user-or-contract resource specific information
tacpp::db_userDb peace - this is for exchange user-associated information
tacpp::db_user_accAccess from check structure
tacpp::dbc_entryDb user cache entry
tacpp::dbc_manDatabase cache manager
DbFieldDatabase field
tacpp::DbListDatabase tables list for store all tables in one list
tacpp::DbModuleDbModule functions
DbTableDatabase table description
tacpp::DebugDebug log
tacpp::Debug_dataDebug outputs in config (no descriptions needed)
tacpp::Debug_entryDebug descriptors
tacpp::DebugFacilityDebug descriptors
tacpp::Device_dataObjects for network devices
tacpp::DeviceUser_dataEntry about one active user on device
tacpp::DLoadDynamic loading
dt_pak_entryDeviceTrack packet body entry (in packet always only one entry)
tacpp::formsdataData from form
tacpp::HttpFileHttp file processing
tacpp::HttpHeaderHttp header processing
tacpp::HttpHeaderDataHttp header data
tacpp::HttpPacketHttp packet
tacpp::HttpServerHttp server
tacpp::IcmpBasic icmp testing
tacpp::ipaddrBasic ip addr storage/handle
tacpp::Listener_dataData for listener
tacpp::log_userLogging information from nas
tacpp::LogDataLogging data - one entry
tacpp::LogFileOutput to log files
tacpp::LoggingCommon logging
tacpp::LogListLogging list descriptor
tacpp::LogSyslogSyslog output handler
tacpp::LogSyslogAtomOutput to syslog server, do not delete logging queue
tacpp::NetFlow_v1Flow record within a version 1 NetFlow Export datagram
tacpp::NetFlow_v5Flow record within a version 5 NetFlow Export datagram
tacpp::NetFlow_v7Flow record within a version 7 NetFlow Export datagram
tacpp::NetFlow_v8_ASMatrixFor ASMatrix v8 aggregation scheme:
tacpp::NetFlow_v8_DestinationPrefixMatrixFor DestinationPrefixMatrix v8 aggregation scheme:
tacpp::NetFlow_v8_PrefixMatrixFor PrefixMatrix v8 aggregation scheme:
tacpp::NetFlow_v8_ProtocolPortMatrixFor ProtocolPortMatrix v8 aggregation scheme:
tacpp::NetFlow_v8_SourcePrefixMatrixFor SourcePrefixMatrix v8 aggregation scheme:
tacpp::NetFlowHeader_v1NetFlow Export Version 1 Header Format
tacpp::NetFlowHeader_v5NetFlow Export Version 5 Header Format
tacpp::NetFlowHeader_v7NetFlow Export Version 7 Header Format
tacpp::NetFlowHeader_v8NetFlow Export Version 8 Header Format
tacpp::NfAggregatorNetflow aggregator
tacpp::NfDataData for aggregator
tacpp::Peer_dataPeer data
tacpp::Peer_maskPeer masks
tacpp::radius_headerRadius header
tacpp::ServerTrackTacppd servers handler
tacpp::ServerTrack_dataEntry about one tacppd server
snmp_dPiece of snmp-infomration
SnmpDSnmp_d container/handler
SnmpOutSnmp output about active users
tacpp::TacacsClientIt will help us for write tacacs+ proxy
tacpp::TacacsPacketLow-level tacacs+ packet processing - encrypt/decrypt
tacpp::TacacsPacketReaderRead packets and add it to packet queue
tacpp::TacacsServerAccountingTACACS+ server-side accounting methods, add it to database/logfile
tacpp::TacacsServerAuthenticationLayer 3: low-level functions + process use from AAA db_authentication
tacpp::TacacsServerAuthorizationUse from AAA db_authorization
tacpp::TacacsSessionContainerThis is entry in sessions control queue
tacpp::TacDbTacppd data database support
tacpp::TciServerTacppdControlInterface server
TepPacketTep packet handler
TepSystemTep system
tiep_pak_hdrPacket header for exchange between tacppds
TiepPacketTiep packet handler
TipPacketTip packet handler
TipSystemTip system
tacpp::user_avpAuthorization information peace
tacpp::User_dataUser data, uses md5 for crypt/encrypt password
tacpp::user_dataUser information data
tacpp::UserTrackActive user entries handler
ut_pak_entryUserTrack packet body entry (in packet several entryes)
tacpp::VtyErrCmdErr & VtyErr shelps in error reporting mechanizm for virtual terminal. The errCmd is the member that exeists in all class
tacpp::VtyLineSplitterAll dirty work for split terminal line into command part's is in class VtyLineSplitter. It used in

Generated on Thu Jul 21 23:09:46 2005 for tacppd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.3.5